Activity by Weekdays - the dynamics of selected metric (posts, shares, comments, engagement rate). To choose another metric, please use the drop-down menu.
Fans Online - see when your followers are most active.
Scrolling down a bit and you can find demographic information:
Gender - view the gender distribution of your audience (available from 100 followers). Note, that for YouTube not fans but viewers are counted.
Age Groups - view the age distribution of your audience (available from 100 followers). Note, that for YouTube not fans but viewers are counted.
Countries - view the countries distribution of your audience (available from 100 followers). Note, that for YouTube not fans but viewers are counted.
Cities - view the distribution by cities of your audience (available from 100 followers). Note, that for YouTube not fans but viewers are counted.
Page Interactions - sum of page interactions from different social media. Use filters to choose specific media type.
Page Fans Sources - identify the sources of your page's fans.