What is Tone of voice?

What is Tone of voice?

What is Tone of voice?

Tone of voice communicates how an organization feels about its message. The tone of any piece of content can be analyzed along 4 dimensions: humor, formality, respectfulness, and enthusiasm.
  1. Funny vs. serious: Is the writer trying to be humorous? Or is the subject approached in a serious way? (Note that for our purposes, this dimension was only the attempt at humor. We didn’t evaluate if the writers successfully landed their jokes.)
  2. Formal vs. casual: Is the writing formal? Informal? Casual?  (Note that casual and conversational are not necessarily synonymous, but they do often appear together.)
  3. Respectful vs. irreverent: Does the writer approach the subject in a respectful way? Or does she take an irreverent approach? (In practice, most irreverent tones are irreverent about the subject matter, in an effort to set the brand apart from competitors. They are not usually intentionally irreverent or offensive to the reader.)
  4. Enthusiastic vs. matter-of-fact: Does the writer seem to be enthusiastic about the subject? Is the organization excited about the service or product, or the information it conveys? Or is the writing dry and matter-of-fact?

How to use the Tone of voice ?

To use this parametr in the analysis of your planned communication, go to the Editor tab and insert your text. Click the Analyze button.

On the right, you will get the results of the analysis. 

We hope this article has been useful to you! If you have any further questions or need help, please don't hesitate to get in touch. You can reach us via chat box on the bottom-right side of your dashboard.

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