Posts. Competitors' monitoring

Posts. Competitors' monitoring


Here you can analyze your own posts and competitors' posts for a certain period in one convenient feedYou can specify your needs with the help of filters.  

You can select the monitoring period, competitors, media types, emotions, hashtags. If the filter field is left empty, the search is performed by all available parameters.

Hovering over an individual post opens a hidden clickable surface. Click Show More to see the post in more detail. Here you can find information about user reactions, emotions of the post. If you want to see the post directly in the original source, click the date and time field.

Next to the names of the emotions you see numbers. This is the strength of the emotion, by which you can tell which of the emotions found in the text is dominant. The maximum strength of the emotion is 1, the minimum is 0.01. What emotions BrandVox detects and how it works? Posts also display data on video views and impressions, this data is accumulated from the moment the social media page is connected to the project.

Export posts 

Inside your project, on the right top corner you'll find the Export posts button   - just click on it to export your data as a .xls file and wait for your file to be downloaded :) How to create export report?
We hope this article has been useful to you! If you have any further questions or need help, please don't hesitate to get in touch. You can reach us via email at or send us a message using the live chat on the bottom-right side of your dashboard.
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