What is "Editor" and how do I use it?

What is "Editor" and how do I use it?

What is the Editor tab?

On the Editor tab, there is a field for entering a text for further analysis. BrandVox offers a wide range of tools to analyze the complexity of a text, to predict its performance, and to evaluate the emotions it evokes in the reader.

You can use this module to analyze your text before you post it to social media, and adjust it as needed. 

How to use the Editor tab?

To analyze the text, you need to paste the text into the field and click the Analyze buttonYou can enter text of any length.

The results of the text analysis will be displayed on the right side of the workspace in Content insights.

What do you get as a result of text analysis?

The Content insights item contains quantitative text analysis by characters, words, sentences.

Check out the Predictive performance score. This metric shows to what extent the text will provoke a desire to take action with the post: to like, tweet, or leave a comment. Read more about predictive performance score.

Content type includes the following text styles: Engaging, Announcing, Storytelling, Expertise. Read more about text styles.

The Complexity item allows you to evaluate the text in terms of its complication. You can understand how hard your text is to understand and see if that level matches expectations of your target audience. BrandVox offers four levels of text complexity: simple, basic, casual, and extreme. Read more about text complexity.

tone of voice communicates how an organization feels about its message. The tone of any piece of content can be analyzed along 4 dimensions: humor, formality, respectfulness, and enthusiasm.Read more about tone of voice.

The Emotions item shows what emotional coloring the text has, as well as which emotion is more expressed. BrandVox allows you to identify 32 types of emotions. Red color indicates negative emotions, green – positive, blue - active, violet - mixed. The numbers beside the name of the emotion indicate how strong the emotion is in your text. The maximum strength of the emotion is 1, the minimum is 0.01. Read more about emotions.

Emotional words include a Word Cloud that shows words crucial for the emotional coloring of the text.

Done! You have received an analysis of your text and can use it in your communication.

How can I publish a post to my social networks?

Yes, with the new posting feature, it has become very simple. Just click on the Post button below and you will see a window with settings.Calendar. Schedule Social Media Posts

Fill in the necessary fields and post :)

We hope this article has been useful to you! If you have any further questions or need help, please don't hesitate to get in touch. You can reach us via email at support@brandvox.net or send us a message using the live chat on the bottom-right side of your dashboard.
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